How to Start a Fad

How to Start a Fad

You've always been one to break the mold, but no one ever seems to catch on to your quirky sense of style. For once you'd like to see people following your lead. Start with your group of friends and watch your fad grow until you're reading about it in the magazines, then give it up and start all over again.


Choose what sort of fad you want to propagate. Be specific as to whether it's a new fashion item or a peanut butter only diet that makes hair shiny. Choose based on what's tolerable for as long as it takes for your fad to spread.


Show off your new accessory, way of wearing a hat or meal plan. Tell anyone that listens about how wonderful it is and encourage them to try it.


Stay strong in the face of mockery. Expect resistance when starting out trying to change a trend. Stay dedicated to your fad. People who start out thinking you're silly eventually admire confidence. Watch them begin to think that this fad is cool.


Branch out to other social groups or geographic locations. Use your fad as a talking point to make new friends and encourage them to adopt it. Visit family in other areas of the country and get them to follow your lead.


Write to fashion magazines or blogs to gain an even wider audience for the fad. A short piece about the trendiest people in your area embracing this new look should do it. Catch the attention of stars and the fashion conscious alike with this trend. Before you know it, the fad you've inspired spreads like wildfire.

Tips & Warnings

Don't go anywhere without wearing or talking about your latest obsession.