How to Spot Women's Fashion Mistakes

How to Spot Women's Fashion Mistakes

Fashion mistakes can be made by the most stylish people. No fashion fits every body, but there are ways to look stylish no matter what your body type. Spotting fashion mistakes allows you to look your best while staying off the weekly "worst dressed" list.


Fit your clothes correctly. Many women wear baggy clothes to cover fat, the baggy clothes actually add the look of weight. If clothes are too tight, they bring attention to bulges and make your body look chunky.


Wear fashions that suit your body type and age. If you are in your 40s, stay away from wearing teen fashions. Just because clothes are in style, doesn't mean you should wear them. If miniskirts are in style and you have short, chunky legs, leave the small skirts on the rack and go for something knee-length.


Buy the correct size in your undergarments. The right bra, panties and pantyhose make a big difference in how your body looks under your clothes. Stores such as Victoria's Secret can measure you to find the correct size of bra you need. Wear the right size to reduces lines, bulges and sagging.


Minimize the amount of colors and prints in an outfit. A good rule of thumb is to limit an outfit to 2 or 3 colors. This includes limiting the patterns on the clothes. Too many patterns makes an outfit too busy. Wear 1 print at a time. These make matching colors easier and make outfits more pleasing to the eye.


Iron your clothes unless they are already wrinkle-free. Wrinkled clothes look slouchy and unkempt. Ironed clothes look more fashionable and stylish than wrinkled clothes.


Choose accessories that match and do not distract from an outfit. Chokers and necklaces with short chains make the neck appear longer. If you are wearing a top that has a low neckline, wear a longer necklace. Limit your accessories to one necklace, a bracelet and a handbag.


Match the shoes with your outfit. Pick shoes that match the style of the outfit. Instead of wearing thong sandals with an elegant dress, wear a pair of high-heeled shoes.