How to Use Peppermint to Relieve Nausea

How to Use Peppermint to Relieve Nausea

Nausea can inflict the body at anytime for various reasons. Some of the most common are viruses and nervousness. Either way there are some easy steps you can take to relieve nausea.

Things You'll Need:

Peppermint oil



Purchase peppermint oil from a reputable vendor. This can be a health food store, typical grocery store or a nutrition center.


Buy enough bottles of peppermint to keep one in your car, one or two at home and one at work. This will allow you access to the peppermint no matter where the nausea strikes.


Acknowledge when you are feeling nauseous; take a tissue or a handkerchief and put a few drops of peppermint on it.


Place the tissue or handkerchief in front of the nose and breathe in normally.


Notice that instantly the nausea will begin to subside.

Tips & Warnings

Use peppermint tea as well for nausea. This can help with morning sickness that sets in due to

Riding in a car on curvy roads can cause nausea. Take a tissue or a handkerchief and put a few drops of peppermint on it.

Use peppermint oil in a diffuser at home. Place peppermint oil in the top receptor of the diffuser and then place a tea light underneath and light the tea light. This will allow the peppermint aroma to envelop the room.

How to Use Passion Fruit for Antioxidants

How to Use Passion Fruit for Antioxidants

As science looks at dietary ways to influence health, some fruits get special billing. Passion fruit is one that health experts are touting as a rich source of antioxidants--chemicals that inhibit unhealthy enzymes and help cleanse the body. There are several ways to get passion fruit into your diet.


Start with fruit as an appetizer to a meal. Cut slices of passion fruit and serve them as a garnish to an appetizer or dessert.


Devise inventive ways to serve passion fruit.


Drink tea containing passion fruit. Many teas are on the market to promote antioxidants in the system. You can find all kinds of tropical fruit combinations including passion fruit, or you can make your own tea from scratch.


Prepare for summer with fruit smoothies. A blender can serve up all kinds of tasty fruit-based concoctions.


Use health extracts. Passion fruit extracts are for sale online as a source of antioxidants and other health promoters. Extracts can be used to aid a balanced diet.

Tips & Warnings

Homemade teas are the result of steeping your ingredients in very hot water. Get water boiling and dice your passion fruit up into tiny bits. Adding ingredients like ginger, lemon or even garlic can give your tea a power punch. Let the contents steep for several minutes and then either strain them out or leave them settled in the bottom of the glass.

As with any extracts, consult a medical advisor before taking passion fruit extracts. Diet is a first step and health extracts should be used only as necessary.

How to Use Music Therapy

How to Use Music Therapy

The concept of music therapy seems New Age, but it was the ancient Greeks who first thought disease could be healed with music. Today, music therapy is used by alternative healing centers and in mainstream medical settings as an adjunct to pain relief and to promote relaxation. It's found in operating rooms, nursing homes and neonatal units, and you can easily learn to use music therapy in your own home.


Keep a collection of a variety genres of music and classify each selection according to the mood, memory and emotion they draw out from you. If you are feeling blue, upbeat rock and roll may help. If you're feeling a bit sorry for yourself, try one of those sillier golden oldies. If you are having problems sleeping, mellow Baroque music should help you drift away.


Spend a few minutes at the end of every day tuning into your emotions by playing one of your favorite instrumentals, preferably classical or acoustic guitar. Minimize outside distractions and let yourself be carried away with the melody. Close your eyes and imagine being in a place you've always wanted to visit, or a place you once visited where you'd like to return, and feel your stress dissolve.


Banish mild depression with nature sounds, the natural music of life. The soft chirping of birds, the rippling of a stream, the swoosh of the waves splashing on to the shore can help our more positive energies start flowing within us.


Stop thinking when feelings of irritation surface and start singing. There are rules to this: the song must be cheerful; the singer can be off key; and the singer can be loud. Performed with energy and passion, the singing becomes a mild physical and emotional exertion and a great way to blow off some steam.


Reduce pain after surgery, during a dental procedure, while in labor or when a headache pops into your day - all with music. There is some evidence that when used with conventional medical treatment, music therapy can also relieve nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy.


Start teaching music appreciation to
early. Research has proven infants react most to music and their mother's voice. A lullaby, sung by mom or just played from a CD, can help premature or low-weight
thrive. Older children with autism, attention deficit disorder or various learning disorders can also be helped with music therapy activities.

Tips & Warnings

While music can be therapeutic for depression, it is not a cure. Consult your physician if you are feeling depressed or anxious.

How to Use Melatonin

How to Use Melatonin

Melatonin is a natural substance found in the body that regulates its sleep cycles. Melatonin is now available in an over-the-counter supplement. Many people take melatonin supplements to help reset their body clocks and to compensate for the decrease in melatonin in their bodies that occurs over time. You can also use it for insomnia and other sleep disorders. Read on to learn how to use melatonin.


Purchase synthetic melatonin rather than animal-extracted melatonin, which can contain unwanted animal proteins and possible viruses.


Set aside enough time for a full night's sleep before taking any melatonin. Finish any driving or use of machinery you must do before taking it.


Take the melatonin about 30 minutes to an hour before you plan to sleep. Begin with a dose of about 1.5 milligrams for most uses, or ask your doctor about the dosage right for you. Make sure that melatonin is compatible with any medications that you are currently taking.


Use melatonin to reset your body clock when you experience jet lag by taking it at the appropriate time to sleep in your time zone, even if you are not tired yet.


Pop some melatonin if you repeatedly wake up during the night, using the supplement to create a deeper sleep.


Consume melatonin to prevent headaches that interfere with sleep, or for insomnia caused by a serious illness such as cancer or Alzheimer's disease.


Watch for any side effects the next day. Discontinue taking the melatonin if the side effects outweigh the sleep benefits.

Tips & Warnings

Don't take melatonin if you are breastfeeding or pregnant.

How to Use Maca Root for Health

How to Use Maca Root for Health

Maca root has been used for centuries by people in Peru as a food and for health. Some of maca root's reported benefits include increased energy and stamina, increased libido, improved mental function and reduction of peri-menopausal and menopausal hormone imbalance symptoms.


Select a reputable health food or nutritional supplement provider. Many companies are now importing maca root from Peru and processing it for resale in the United States. Not all companies comply with food safety standards or have proper information about the sources of the produce.


Discuss the daily starting dosage with the supplier that you have chosen. The Discovery Health Channel recommends 3,000 to 5,000 milligrams of powder daily to achieve beneficial effects. For maca extract, the daily dose ranges from 1,800 to 2,250 milligrams.


Start taking the maca root in the recommended form daily and continue for two weeks. Mix dried maca root with juice or water or take as capsules. The root tastes somewhat like graham crackers or butterscotch.


Record any unexpected side effects that you should discuss with a health practitioner. Some women have reported breast tenderness at maximum doses. Complementary medicine practitioners suggest that this signals a need to reduce daily dosage.


Increase your daily dosage at the end of two weeks, gradually until you reach the recommended maximum.


Vary your method of maca intake by switching from capsules filled with ground powder, preparing beverages with maca root and adding the root to baked foods, as the Peruvians do.

Tips & Warnings

Maca root contains a significant amount of many vitamins and minerals found in over the counter vitamin supplements, including iron and B12.

In recent years, scientific studies have isolated important compounds in maca root that could explain its beneficial effects on your body.

, no studies have shown any toxicity from build up of maca root's chemical compounds in the body; however, consult a physician before and during diet supplementation.

If you are considering maca root as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy, be sure to check if any additional supplements will be needed to achieve the same level of protection, particularly for bone loss.

How to Start a Fad

How to Start a Fad

You've always been one to break the mold, but no one ever seems to catch on to your quirky sense of style. For once you'd like to see people following your lead. Start with your group of friends and watch your fad grow until you're reading about it in the magazines, then give it up and start all over again.


Choose what sort of fad you want to propagate. Be specific as to whether it's a new fashion item or a peanut butter only diet that makes hair shiny. Choose based on what's tolerable for as long as it takes for your fad to spread.


Show off your new accessory, way of wearing a hat or meal plan. Tell anyone that listens about how wonderful it is and encourage them to try it.


Stay strong in the face of mockery. Expect resistance when starting out trying to change a trend. Stay dedicated to your fad. People who start out thinking you're silly eventually admire confidence. Watch them begin to think that this fad is cool.


Branch out to other social groups or geographic locations. Use your fad as a talking point to make new friends and encourage them to adopt it. Visit family in other areas of the country and get them to follow your lead.


Write to fashion magazines or blogs to gain an even wider audience for the fad. A short piece about the trendiest people in your area embracing this new look should do it. Catch the attention of stars and the fashion conscious alike with this trend. Before you know it, the fad you've inspired spreads like wildfire.

Tips & Warnings

Don't go anywhere without wearing or talking about your latest obsession.

How to Spruce up Your Spring Syle

How to Spruce up Your Spring Syle

Get ready for spring and enhance your spring style. Throw some pastels and bright colors into your wardrobe and tuck away those dark-colored long sleeve shirts. Take a look at this article to find out how to turn your outfits from drab to fab with easy ways to get ready for the season.


Take a look in your closet and pack up your fall and winter clothes. Once you've moved those clothes out of the way, focus on the clothes you already have for spring. When you take a look at what you have, you'll be able to better accessorize your outfits with spring colors or add clothes to your closet that have a spring flair.


Add some colorful accessories to your wardrobe. Long


with big, bold pendants can give plain tops an extra boost. Also, stock up on earrings that complement and enhance the outfits you already have. Look for bold colors like copper and gold.


Stock up on sundresses. Flowy, colorful dresses or plain pastel dresses are really cute for the spring. Plain dresses can also be enhanced by long necklaces that have bold pendants.


Stock up on stylish shorts (non-denim) and high-waist linen or casual trousers. Khaki and white high-waist trousers are great for the spring and can be paired with tops you already own.


Buy a couple pairs of new sandals and try something new. If you're a flip-flop fiend, pick up a pair of stylish flat sandals or sassy platform stilettos. Make sure that the colors are bold and not black or gray.


Put a fresh flower in your hair when wearing a flowy dress. Pair that with sandals for a casual, beachy look.

Tips & Warnings

You don't have to break the bank to spruce up your spring style. Head to outlets, discount stores or fashion districts for deals on accessories and clothing.

How to Spot Women's Fashion Mistakes

How to Spot Women's Fashion Mistakes

Fashion mistakes can be made by the most stylish people. No fashion fits every body, but there are ways to look stylish no matter what your body type. Spotting fashion mistakes allows you to look your best while staying off the weekly "worst dressed" list.


Fit your clothes correctly. Many women wear baggy clothes to cover fat, the baggy clothes actually add the look of weight. If clothes are too tight, they bring attention to bulges and make your body look chunky.


Wear fashions that suit your body type and age. If you are in your 40s, stay away from wearing teen fashions. Just because clothes are in style, doesn't mean you should wear them. If miniskirts are in style and you have short, chunky legs, leave the small skirts on the rack and go for something knee-length.


Buy the correct size in your undergarments. The right bra, panties and pantyhose make a big difference in how your body looks under your clothes. Stores such as Victoria's Secret can measure you to find the correct size of bra you need. Wear the right size to reduces lines, bulges and sagging.


Minimize the amount of colors and prints in an outfit. A good rule of thumb is to limit an outfit to 2 or 3 colors. This includes limiting the patterns on the clothes. Too many patterns makes an outfit too busy. Wear 1 print at a time. These make matching colors easier and make outfits more pleasing to the eye.


Iron your clothes unless they are already wrinkle-free. Wrinkled clothes look slouchy and unkempt. Ironed clothes look more fashionable and stylish than wrinkled clothes.


Choose accessories that match and do not distract from an outfit. Chokers and necklaces with short chains make the neck appear longer. If you are wearing a top that has a low neckline, wear a longer necklace. Limit your accessories to one necklace, a bracelet and a handbag.


Match the shoes with your outfit. Pick shoes that match the style of the outfit. Instead of wearing thong sandals with an elegant dress, wear a pair of high-heeled shoes.

How to Spot Knock Off (Counterfeit) Merchandise

How to Spot Knock Off (Counterfeit) Merchandise

It's a hard lesson to learn that everything is not always as it seems...or as it has been advertised. It really is a case of consumer beware as cheap reproductions are becoming more and more of a problem across the board in merchandise. From clothing to watches and purses to luggage, counterfeits are everywhere. The only answer is to be a smart consumer.


Know what you're buying. Often a sale is clinched because of a name only. Someone hears Gucci and is already sold. If you don't know what a Gucci purse looks like, you will never spot a fake. Look at the product carefully to see what the label looks like. Often the knockoffs will spell the name differently and then their product is perfectly legal.


Look at the quality of the item you're buying. Top quality merchandise doesn't have strings hanging, labels hastily attached, or stitches that are unevenly sewn. Nor do they have fabric or leather pieces that are mismatched or misprinted.


Be wary of people selling items from their cars, their garage sales or the local

. Think about whether these people would be well off enough to have a stock of expensive merchandise...and, if they did, think about they they would be selling it for nothing. If common sense says no, listen to it.


Look carefully at the packaging. Is it smeared, uneven, or otherwise shabby looking? Expensive things are not poorly packaged.


Buy at reputable stores when you're shopping for expensive items. Know the product you're shopping for. Use common sense especially and you should avoid knock off rip offs.

How to Spot If Your Gold Jewelry Is Fake

How to Spot If Your Gold Jewelry Is Fake

Don't spend a lot of money on gold that is really fake. Identify if it's real or fake in less then 5 seconds.

Things You'll Need:

Questionable gold jewelry



Put the questionable gold


item in your hand.


Take your magnet and put it on top of the item.


Pull magnet up. If it sticks the gold is fake. If it doesn't stick, the gold is real.

Tips & Warnings

Buy gold items from a reputable and trusted merchant!

How to Spot Fool's Gold

How to Spot Fool's Gold

Fool's gold, also known as iron pyrites, is a brass or gold-colored mineral that is easily mistaken for real gold. The early miners during the gold rush often thought they had made a fortune, only to discover their finds were not real gold. While real gold holds monetary value, fool's gold is virtually worthless. The most common United States locations for pyrite are in Utah, Colorado, Illinois, Pennsylvania and New York.

Things You'll Need:



Identify the Qualities of Fool's Gold


Look at the physical properties of fool's gold (also known as pyrite). It is easy to spot the light-yellow color with a metallic luster or brassy look. Real gold is recognized as more gold to silvery-yellow in appearance.


Check for the smell of sulfur. Iron sulfide is 47-percent iron and 53-percent sulfur. This iron-sulfide composition gives off sulfur-dioxide fumes that have a distinct odor (like rotten eggs).


Get a magnet to spot fool's gold. The iron sulfide in fool's gold will be attracted to the magnet, but pure gold will not.


Strike the pyrite (fool's gold) with steel. If it is truly pyrite, it will produce a spark. Pure gold is softer and will flatten.


Look closely at the face of the fool's gold (pyrite) crystal. It is most commonly striated, but it can also develop as coarse granules that are easy to spot.


Test for fool's gold with a ceramic tile. Scratch a real gold nugget on the tile, and it will leave a yellow-gold streak. If the nugget is fool's gold, it will leave a greenish-black streak.


Scratch the metal to determine the hardness. Real gold can be cut, but fool's gold has a brittle hardness and a specific gravity of five.


Compare the shape of the gold. Real gold is most common in nuggets or small sheets while pyrite is most often found in cubes or octahedrons.

Tips & Warnings

Look for fool's gold (pyrite) in areas where real gold and copper are mined. Finding pyrite is an indication that mining for gold in the area may prove successful.

Avoid getting taken in and paying hard-earned money for a fake. Buy gold jewelry only from reputable jewelers. If the price sounds too good to be real gold, it may be fool's gold, as it is frequently used in costume jewelry.

How to Spot Fake Turquoise Jewelry

How to Spot Fake Turquoise Jewelry

For at least 8,000 years, people have coveted turquoise. In early times, different cultures believed turquoise brought luck. Due to the high demand, turquoise was heavily mined leading to the decrease of high quality gemstones. Different enhancements used on low quality stones make them difficult to tell from the real thing. Follow these steps to spot fake turquoise




Ask where the jewelry comes from. Today, turquoise is mined in Iran, China, Tibet and the southwestern United States. Some of the most desired today is the sky blue turquoise mined in Iran. Fake turquoise can come from anywhere.


Look at the vibrant colors of real turquoise, which ranges from a light sky blue to a gray-green color. You want to see a uniform color throughout the stone. Fake or low-quality turquoise is a pale, chalky stone injected with dye. Turquoise comes from a process of millions of years where water leaks over rocks with high mineral content of copper, iron and aluminum.


Study the quality of the color. The bad or fake stuff often appears clear, as if you could see through it. The good stuff carries a more solid, opaque quality to it. However, even good quality turquoise can fade over time when exposed to sunlight, heat or chemicals.


Check the turquoise for the existence of veins or blotches, which are called the matrix. Although not all real turquoise has it, many stones do have a matrix that varies from white to black in color.


Notice any smell to the gemstone. Reconstituted turquoise carries a certain odor that comes from the resin used to bond turquoise dust and pieces together. Dyes and minerals try to duplicate the color and matrix of real turquoise.


Price the piece of jewelry and expect it to be high. With turquoise supplies dwindling, the prices of good turquoise are rising. Consider high quality turquoise as an investment that will appreciate like diamonds or emeralds.


Buy real turquoise jewelry from a dealer and ask for written documentation of the authenticity of your turquoise.